Fix Garbled Solaris Console

If ever you encounter a console with output such as below, it can be easily be remedied by fixing the /etc/ttydefs file.

ttymon: unable to find <console> in "/etc/ttydefs"
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xðrt_reçióter fáileä×AÒNÉNG: locëä: cáîîot coîtáct ótátä

To fix the console, we need to login to the Solaris server via SSH and edit the /etc/ttydefs and add the following line:

console:9600 hupcl opost onlcr crtscts:9600::console

After adding the following line, your /etc/ttydefs would look like this:

root@solaris# cat /etc/ttydefs
460800:460800 hupcl:460800 hupcl::307200
307200:307200 hupcl:307200 hupcl::230400
230400:230400 hupcl:230400 hupcl::153600
153600:153600 hupcl:153600 hupcl::115200
115200:115200 hupcl:115200 hupcl::76800
76800:76800 hupcl:76800 hupcl::57600
57600:57600 hupcl:57600 hupcl::38400
38400:38400 hupcl:38400 hupcl::19200
19200:19200 hupcl:19200 hupcl::9600
9600:9600 hupcl:9600 hupcl::4800
4800:4800 hupcl:4800 hupcl::2400
2400:2400 hupcl:2400 hupcl::1200
1200:1200 hupcl:1200 hupcl::300
300:300 hupcl:300 hupcl::460800

460800E:460800 hupcl evenp:460800 evenp::307200
307200E:307200 hupcl evenp:307200 evenp::230400
230400E:230400 hupcl evenp:230400 evenp::153600
153600E:153600 hupcl evenp:153600 evenp::115200
115200E:115200 hupcl evenp:115200 evenp::76800
76800E:76800 hupcl evenp:76800 evenp::57600
57600E:57600 hupcl evenp:57600 evenp::38400
38400E:38400 hupcl evenp:38400 evenp::19200
19200E:19200 hupcl evenp:19200 evenp::9600
9600E:9600 hupcl evenp:9600 evenp::4800
4800E:4800 hupcl evenp:4800 evenp::2400
2400E:2400 hupcl evenp:2400 evenp::1200
1200E:1200 hupcl evenp:1200 evenp::300
300E:300 hupcl evenp:300 evenp::19200

auto:hupcl:sane hupcl:A:9600

console1:1200 hupcl opost onlcr:1200::console2
console2:300 hupcl opost onlcr:300::console3
console3:2400 hupcl opost onlcr:2400::console4
console4:4800 hupcl opost onlcr:4800::console5
console5:19200 hupcl opost onlcr:19200::console

contty:9600 hupcl opost onlcr:9600 sane::contty1
contty1:1200 hupcl opost onlcr:1200 sane::contty2
contty2:300 hupcl opost onlcr:300 sane::contty3
contty3:2400 hupcl opost onlcr:2400 sane::contty4
contty4:4800 hupcl opost onlcr:4800 sane::contty5
contty5:19200 hupcl opost onlcr:19200 sane::contty

4800H:4800:4800 sane hupcl::9600H
9600H:9600:9600 sane hupcl::19200H
19200H:19200:19200 sane hupcl::38400H
38400H:38400:38400 sane hupcl::2400H
2400H:2400:2400 sane hupcl::1200H
1200H:1200:1200 sane hupcl::300H
300H:300:300 sane hupcl::4800H

conttyH:9600 opost onlcr:9600 hupcl sane::contty1H
contty1H:1200 opost onlcr:1200 hupcl sane::contty2H
contty2H:300 opost onlcr:300 hupcl sane::contty3H
contty3H:2400 opost onlcr:2400 hupcl sane::contty4H
contty4H:4800 opost onlcr:4800 hupcl sane::contty5H
contty5H:19200 opost onlcr:19200 hupcl sane::conttyH

console:9600 hupcl opost onlcr crtscts:9600::console